Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) Exemption Calculation
Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) Exemption Calculation

What is Leave Travel Allowance?
Travel Allowance is a concept of providing an extra benefit by the employer to
his employee by compensating or paying a certain amount to meet the travel
expenses incurred by him for himself as well as his family during the time of
service. It is taxable under the head “Income from Salaries” subject to
exemption under section 10(5) of The Income Tax Act. The section stated in the
Act is as follows:
Section: 10(5)
“In the case of an individual, the value
of any travel concession or assistance received by, or due to, him,-
(a) From his employer for himself and his
family, in connection with his proceeding or leave to any place in India;
(b) From his employer or former employer for
himself and his family, in connection with his proceeding to any place in India
after retirement from service or after termination of his service,
Subject to such conditions as may be
prescribed (including conditions as to number of journeys and the amount which
shall be exempt per head) having regard to travel concession or assistance
granted to the employees of the Central Government:
that the amount exempt under
this clause shall in no case exceed the amount of expenses actually incurred
for the purpose of such travel.”
in relation to individual means:
i) The spouse and children of the individual;
ii) The parents, brothers and sisters of the
individual or any of them, wholly or mainly dependent on the individual.]
To understand properly: Examples of LTA
The conditions prescribed by an Act to
avail exemption of LTA:
The exemption is available only if the
employee has actually taken the leave from the company and travelled and such
travel expenditure is incurred for travelling in India.
LTA is exempt to the extent Travel cost
actually incurred i.e. no other expenses such as stay, food, etc. are covered.
- The exemption is available for two
journeys in a block of four calendar years which started from 1986-1989 and the
current block is 2010-2013.
- The Act provides with one more benefit
with respect to the above condition that if an assessee has not travelled in
the previous block than he can avail exemption of the same in the first
calendar year of the next block along with the two exemptions for the same
- The maximum amount for which exemption can
be availed can be calculated from the limits provided by Act depending upon the
mode of Transportation used or available by/to the assessee. Such limits are as
Applicable for Journeys
performed after 30/09/1997
Mode of Transport
Available Exemption
By Air
Class fare of the National Airways (Indian Airlines or Air India), by the
shortest possible route to the place of destination.
place of origin of journey and destination are provided with the rail and the
journey is performed by any mode of transport other than by air
First Class rail fare by the shortest route to the place of destination.
the place of origin and destiny or part thereof are not connected by rail
Where a recognized public transport
system exists, the first class or deluxe class fare on such transport by the
shortest route.
ii) In the
absence of above, AC First Class Rail Fare for the distance of the journey by
the shortest route, as if the journey has been performed by rail.
respect of availing exemption for travelling with children the points to be
kept in mind are as follows:
If the
journey is performed on or before 1.10.1998 exemption is available for all the
children who travel along with the assessee.
if the journey is performed after 1.10.1998
can be availed for all the children born before 1.10.1998
§ For the children born after 1.10.1998,
exemption is available only for two surviving children. It also includes Step
Child and Adopted Child.
To understand properly: Examples of LTA
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